Project Description

Rutgers Biomedical Health Sciences (RBHS)/University Hospital Newark Cogeneration Energy Resilience Bank Upgrades
Z&F Construction and Z&F Consulting provided Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) services to completely replace an existing cogeneration plant that served both Rutgers University buildings and University Hospital, in the urban setting of Newark, NJ. The cogeneration plant is part of a microgrid that provides electricity, heating, and cooling to buildings totaling over 5 million square feet. As part of the project, Z&F completely replaced the incoming 26kV electrical switchgear and allowed the plant to operate as a true micro-grid, where all the electricity was controlled from a central location. Additionally, Z&F provided three new 6MW gas combustion turbines and three new 30,000 lb/hr heat recovery steam generators. The cogeneration plant can operate in island mode, black start, and can serve all downstream buildings based on automatic load shedding controls. Z&F provided all the programming and code for a new Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system for the cogeneration plant. Z&F also provided a Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) for all three stacks. This project was constructed during the time of the COVID pandemic, and Z&F delivered it on time to the customer. Z&F did not have to draw on the owner contingency, which allowed the owner to use those funds for additional project scope.